There are a number of steps to complete upon receipt of a collection:
Look through the collection, checking for series numbers or descriptive information that may inform the order in which you inventory the collection, eg. if there there are three tapes of the same name numbered 1,2,3, inventory these tapes in numerical order.
In Salesforce, navigate to the collection opportunity.
Scroll to the bottom of the Opportunity page, and select New Preservation Object.
Begin with your visual inspection of the first tape.
During inspection you should be looking for any signs of tape or cassette damage, dirt, dust, water damage, creasing etc.
If mold is found, please let a staff member know immediately, and place the suspect tape in a zip lock bag with a number of desiccants. The tape can remain with the rest of the collection until it is sent out for treatment.
Place a barcode on the tape case and cassette.
Complete the Intake/Inventory section in Salesforce (instructions can be found in section on Salesforce).
As you finish inventory on each tape, place it in numerical order in a BAVC container.
Once you have completed inventory of the collection, write the opportunity name on two Post It notes, and tape these notes to the front and back of the container.
Finally, place the container on a shelf in the tape closet.