Reviewing Assignments
Reviewing Assignments is remarkably easy using Learnworlds. This article will describe the ideal workflow for reviewing students’ assignments and providing feedback for an asynchronous class.
In order to follow any of these steps you’ll need to be logged in as an admin an on BAVC’s Learnworlds page. you can access the page at either of the following URLs
Assignment Setup
First, you’ll need to create assignments. Once you have an assignment created you’ll need to make sure that it is set up to allow “Manual Feedback” and that only 100% grades count as a pass. Here are the steps to do this:
- Click on Courses icon on the left-hand side
- Select the course you want to edit from the list. Probably the one named Hands-On Training with Analog Video Playback Equipment
- Select Content along the top bar
- Find the Assignemnt or Exam you want to edit. However over it and press the button that says Edit questions
- Hover over Settings along the top bar and then select Manual Feedback
- Make sure that Enable Manual Feedback is set to Yes
- Select the Grades & Attempts menu
- Set Passing Grade to 100%
- Select Save & Close
You’ll need to do this for every assignmnt that you want to provide manual feedback for. However, if you do this while you create the assignment you don’t need to worry about it again (you only need to do it once!)
Student Feedback Notifications Setup
Students wil receive feedback as a message in their Learnworlds inbox. They should also receive an email notification about it as long as their notification settings are properly setup. To make sure these are correct, do this:
- Click on Settings icon on the left-hand side
- Select Notifications Email
- Select Learner Settings
- Make sure that On review submission is checked
- Click Save
Review Workflow
Finding Assignments To Grade
You should receive notification whenever a user completes an assignment. However, since notifications can be sketchy it’s a good idea to check the Review Center for any ungraded assignemnts on a regular basis (every Tuesday and Friday possibly). To check the review center do the following:
- Click on the Reports Center icon on the left-hand side
- Select Review Center
- Near the top of the page there’s a dropdown that says All Course. Click on that and select the course you want to grade assignemnts for to show only assignments for that course (in this case, Hands-On Training with Analog Video Playback Equipment)
- If you select Unreviewed/Ungraded at the top, you will see only the completed assignments in need of grading
You will now be able to see all the assignmetns that need grading. Click on the small clipboard icon in the column named Manage to grade and provide feedback for the selected assignment.
Grading Assignments
Learnworlds asks for a percentage grade for each question. Most questions are pass fail, so you’ll need to fill out either 0 or 100 for each answer. 0 is a fail and 100 is a pass. If there is a multipart question and the particiapnt gets a part correct and a part wrong you can give them fractional credit, but this isn’t super important.
Learnworlds allows you to provide feedback for each question, and for the assignemnt overall. You do not need to provide feedback for correct answers, but you must provide feedback for incorrect answers. Reference the Teacher’s Guide Answers document to see what the correct answers should be. Please provide thorough feedback for any incorrect answers.
The overall assignment feedback should have the following information:
- If the participant got everything correct, let them know they did a great job and that they can move on.
- If there are any incorrect answers, ask them to review the feedback for those answers. You can also remind them of when the next office hours session is so that they can attend for more insight
- If they got everything correct but there is some indication that they don’t fully understand the materials you should remind them that they can attend office hours.
Once you have filled out the feedback fields you can press Submit Review.
With that, the review is complete!
Learnworlds Documentation
The Learnworlds documentation is pretty good for these topics. Check out these articles for more information